Tuesday, May 17, 2011

It's Time for Your Group, Institution, Organization, Business or Family To Start A New Conversation. And That Conversation Should Begin With The Question!

How Do We Design and Set-Up Our Own InHouse Digital Infrastructure Daily Operating Strategy?

"The small group, business or organization with the best, well informed, cutting-edge technology rules"

If you are ready to formulate a daily working strategy that incorporates, say the 40 most effective contacts in your network. Then we can help you in unique, effective ways to take advantage of much of the resources that your network leaves on the table everyday. Why continue to allow all kinds of other sites sell their products to your network, when YOU can literally enjoy those resources within your own small, but valuable network.

If you're serious about making this happen, then get in touch.

Call Sy @ 1-312-428-9894

Now here's something that I want you to understand!
  • In order to take full advantage of so many cutting-edge gadgets and such. It only requires one sober-minded, alert person from any family or organization to kick this off. Every family has that person whom is always trying to bring the family together. Or that person whom is always seeking resources that others in the family can enjoy and benefit from. YOU are the one whom should contact us.

Monday, May 9, 2011

The Next Phase Will Be Families Seeking To Assess and Consolidate All Communication Tools, Related Hardware and Relevate Cloud-Based Communications Via Their Local Network

My approach for years has been creative expressions while employing  innovative tips, techniques and creative shortcuts to guide community people toward an exciting, emerging world of digital possibilities. Once I demonstrate to you how to start your own blog, it is your active interest that will allow you to keep going and grow with it. This is important, because now you can be in control of your media expression.

Social networking now has the tools to leverage and elevate the circumstances of alert, informed families, cause related groups and even many areas of employment. Consider for a moment how many resources, first choice on deals before those outside of your network, opportunities and other goodies that all of your network would have available, if your community / networks were organized, connected, monitored and strategically positioned to SIMPLY, buy and sell services from each other when possible.

Think how much value, focus, clearer perspective, knowledge and items or resources that quite frankly your fellow networker would never have shown or mentioned to you.

Now those who will probably grasp how to identify and develope such a value added social network emerging from your network are what is known as'Early Adopters'. Many of these people are in fact digital pioneers. Many of them were watching and following social media before twitter, facebook, and linkden. Probably around the year 2000 give or take a few years either way.

Many of these early adopters have earned and learned how to spot important nuances as social media changes and morphs. Their thoughts, observations and opinions are very important as social media goes. The key for beginners is to engage your questions, concerns and ideas or visions with early adopters. And you will quickly move to the front of the line, sort of speak!

Later, months and then some, others will start to see more clearly how fantastic these new tools of digital communication will excelerate and  elevate a new generation and many whom will  opt to grow and learn more than they thought they knew (that could be you!. And I believe all of you can do so, but if you believe!

Key Point: You don't need to go  searching for your digital infrastructure, every family or group already has one. Those of us whom are referred to as 'early adopters', should know that. Since smartphones began to become more popular around 2005 or 2006. Many additional components, tools, and virtual apps have emerged.


Notice when you're riding the bus, it seems as though most of the riders are focused not on conversation with each other, but they are manipulating their digital smartphones, laptops, or some other type of digital device. And there are many.

Now what this means is that not only are these people simply talking to voices out there somewhere. They are doing business on a number levels. Anything from buying products and services to recommending someone in their social network because they know and like each other.

Also those alert, tech savvy business owners, professionals, corporations, work from home moms or dads, learning institutions and block clubs would benefit greatly by assessing their digital infrastructures. I mention smartphones, tablets, laptops and other digital hardware, but these are only portions of your digital infrastructure.
Next you absolutely should survey your network as to which cloud based technology do they utilize?
1. Why are they using a particular service?
 2. Where did they find out about that service?
3.  How much is the monthly cost?
 4. Do they have a digital coach?
5. Where do they learn about new technology?
 6. What products do they spend their money on?
 7.Are any folks in your social network doing business with one another?
8. Is there some item that they no longer use and they want to give it away?
9. Are they searching for a house painter? Your grandson paints houses in the summer!
10. Are they looking to invest? Possibly they could invest in one of the businesses in your network. Both of you are already connected. And assessing your network is the only way that you can find out about so many opportunities that you might otherwise would never find out about.
11. Maybe someone knows about a job lead. Better to share that kind of info with your network. What goes around, comes around!

In addition I have created an ebook that will inform each of your social network members what some of the internet's or social media's more useful cloud-based sites for your groups, local business owners, work from home folks, families and close associates.

Referral Opportunities: Once you purchase Sy's cutting-edge, informative ebook. You will receive $2.00 for each confirmed sale of a referral that you made. NOTE: You must refer 5 books before we  activate your fees to be sent.  But our staff will require verification, before anyone receives a referral fee.   Great way to establish another stream of income. Keep in mind that an effective ebook, should contain not only written instructions, but other forms of multi-media expression can emerge from an ebook. Such as youtube or how-to videos, audio mp3 or even digital animation. An ebook is far more than reading text from a traditional hardcopy book. I hope this helps to better explain why ebooks are and will become more essential.

 "Sy's Social Networking Action Guide & Ebook'
Connecting - The - Dots
How To  Build & Maintain Your Family,
Group or Business Network &
Digital Infrastructure
Cost is: $25.00 per copy

A digital copy will be emailed directly to your email address once your payment has been received. Make no mistake about it, this action guide & ebook will open your eyes to how incredibly effective simple ebooks are and why they have introduced another level of learning that has never existed before.

If you are interested in receiving this ebook this week, then please call 1-312-428-9894 and I will take your order over the phone or email  theblogprofessor@gmail.com